About Us

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About Fusion OEM
Fusion’s story begins as a contract manufacturer of lite-duty industrial equipment for OEMs almost 20 years ago, then fast forward to 2017 where they were named one of Forbes Magazine’s Top 25 Small American Companies. Today, Fusion manufactures more than 100 different products – from simple assemblies of machined parts to complex electro-mechanical industrial machinery. But when Fusion employees found a new manufacturing innovation on social media, Fusion’s service offerings did not stop there. Fusion’s head machinist along with some other employees saw online how robotics were doing work in machine shops and presented the idea of robots being installed in their facility. The staff was tired of doing the repetitive and dull tasks on the machine shop floor and were huge champions of investing in robotics. After convincing ownership, Fusion began to realize all the potential. Fusion deployed five robot systems in their machine shop within less than a year. These additions also allowed Fusion employees to take on more cerebral tasks such as job set-up, programming, and quality inspection. Fusion believed so strongly in their results that they decided to branch out even further and become a systems integrator for automated CNC machine tending of Haas CNC machines with products from RoboJob.
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About RoboJob NV – Automated CNC Machines
RoboJob NV had its genesis in its sister company Aluro CNC. They have been active in machining for more than 25 years. In recent years, the company has been confronted with a well-known issue: machinist wages in the last 20 years have skyrocketed and batch sizes have dropped. That has substantially eaten into the margins of the machining companies. Since the start of the economic crisis several problems emerged at sister company Aluro CNC, including the decline in the batch size of orders. The customer did not only want smaller order sizes but also faster delivery times and all this at capped prices. To meet these challenges RoboJob was founded. For and by the machining industry. By taking this next step with automation, we help machine shop enterprises in increasing their output with efficient, reliable, uninterrupted machine tending throughout the day and into the off shifts (lights-out). This enhances their CNC equipment ROI and enables them to compete globally. Through this machine shop transformation, these companies can utilize their highly trained machinists to apply their skills to more advanced tasks such as setting-up the next job in another machine, CNC programming, and parts inspection. RoboJob-USA offers complete and proven, turn-key machine tending solutions that help metalworking companies become more profitable, even in small batch processing, by offering standard, affordable, easy-to-learn, easy-to-use, automation systems that are integrated to Haas CNC machines.

Continuous Development and Innovation
In partnership with our customers

Total solution
RoboJob-USA can offer you the most comprehensive portfolio of standard automation products. With these standard products, you can automate your turning lathe, milling machine, turning/milling combination or grinding machine. All RoboJob-USA products are equipped with the most comprehensive standard functions in the market. The modular extensions allow you to build your customised automation. This will not only spread your costs over time. You can also build your automation in function of the demand of your customers.

Shortest proven set-up and change-over time in the market: only 5 minutes for a new component and 2 minutes for a repetitive component. Installation only takes 3 to 4 days including half a day for on-site training. Afterwards, your operators can immediately start using the automation, autonomously.

Compact, accessible and visible: our solutions are the most compact loading solutions on the market. Unique and patented stacking principle, whereby you have the largest capacity on the smallest surface area.
At RoboJob, we firmly believe in your future and that of our manufacturing industry

Vision & Mission
RoboJob's 3 challenges
The manufacturing industry we find ourselves in today looks completely different from what it did 20, 10 or even 5 years ago. It has to be faster, better and cheaper all the time. The only constant seems to be change, plus the challenging search for technically skilled personnel. Have you ever asked yourself if there’s still a future for your business? At RoboJob, we firmly believe in your future and that of our manufacturing industry. But we need to do things differently. By focusing on user-friendly automation, you can meet these challenges. Our solutions can make your company profitable, competitive and flexible again. Moreover, our robots will help to make our industry attractive again for highly skilled technical workers.

Challenge 1

Challenge 2

Challenge 3