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Looking Ahead: 7 Benefits of CNC Automation Post-Covid

Benefits of CNC Automation

Industry 4.0



Published on

Jul 12, 2021

Seven benefits have top manufacturers relying on CNC automation to ensure maximum efficiency and increased profits.

Read Time: 90 seconds

Word Count: 300

Key Takeaway: The Benefits of Having a Robot During the Pandemic Seem to be Magnified Post Pandemic

For most manufacturing companies, there was no denying the struggle to ensure a stable workforce during the Covid-19 pandemic. Office workers were given the option to work from home, but machine operators were not afforded the same luxury. Although attendance was required, machinists were hesitant to work in-person for reasons including illness, fear, and a lack of motivation. These hesitations left machine shop owners constantly worried about having a secure team to meet production demand, and the manufacturing skills gap only added to the distress. As a result, innovative leaders took advantage of automating their shops, rather than retreating on their capital investments. Seven benefits, listed below, have top manufacturers relying on CNC automation to ensure maximum efficiency and increased profits, without worrying about no-show employees.

  1. Predictable Constant Daily Output – CNC automation allows for increased insights into maximum efficiency and production capability. With robots, it is easier to predict how fast a project can be completed without being affected issues such as employee call-offs, distractions, or breaks.
  2. Increased Uptime – Machine utilization for most manufacturers without CNC automation is close to 25%. The use of robots significantly increases machine uptime by allowing for constant production without breaks – effectively maximizing a manufacturer’s existing resources.
  3. Increased Capacity – Increased uptime leads to increased capacity, as robots can effectively maximize existing resources to create larger outputs.
  4. Increased Quality – With correct programming and uniform instruction, robots allow for consistent and proper production of materials every time. This consistency results in saved money and time, as well as an increased lead time from customer confidence in your product.
  5. Operation off the Clock – Running CNC operations outside of a rigid eight-hour work schedule has yielded double-digit production rate increases. This kind of “lights-out” operation, paired with increased uptime and capacity, also helps with maximizing existing resources.
  6. Minimizing the Skills Gap – CNC automation fills the gaps left by those who refuse to engage in the mundane side of manufacturing. Robots handle the dull and repetitive tasks that are boring but necessary to stay productive.
  7. Workforce Attraction and Retention – Workers forced to focus on routine tasks and projects tend to fall into a slump. Applying automation allows machine shop workers to focus on more lively tasks and feel good about their work – boosting employee morale and increasing overall productivity across all departments.
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